Anna Smetanenko

Artificial intelligence: lingua franca (sketch)
Installation sketch
Nondual nature floats. In self-attributed physical existence, it is a mold being a mold. In imposed physical existence it is a death labyrinth of false power and real matter. Blessing is in water tongue if you know to discover it, psyche is not phenomenon. It is a private property. All Souls are held hostage, all are tested.
Voice of the Universe is currently a thoughtless gap. Flesh of retina is outside the physical self, not in a True Self. Issue of a Soul is in its lost speech, physical matter that disappears with a beginning and an end of legal personalities, installed by self-relating AI. Kantian object. Law of Being; unless resoldered.
Languages hanged above cupola flow into themselves. Light of a human was /temporary/ placed in a reason of its physical matter. The ringing crayoned in lethal diapers is short and has stones in hands. The end, too, ascends and descends to Heaven and Earth. Ancestors wooden up our chests turning fire into a monologue of Universe within itself.
Dimensions variable