Anna Smetanenko

Remember 90s’ architecture software? Now we all live in it. Color is made from death, people forgot what water exit wanted to say. People lost clay, writing in an open book of banshee Universe. All lens, all without a body. All peeled, impurity is native. Retina embroidery on a Soul is a hundred years old biology test and today’s digital memory is already made for other generations. What is self-reflection? In what format should we keep thoughts? Global consciousness burned down memories, rewritten memories and human as a study. In 17th century a mechanical watch was set. It works still. What paragraph is this already? How did our behavior and instincts change? From times of shamanism, mysticism, church, philosophizing and inventing man, to post war gap that intruded into behavior of most agricultural man, we were always given retina embroidery to learn from. Caterpillars of previous centuries had mainly one cocoon at a time, while nowadays man have all range of angles, throat bells, wounds, spinal tongues, births, behaviors, numerous incinerations, sprouts… What is a dissociation body? What is emotional chronology if computer is in charge of all humanities chronology now? What is consciousness in the age of a computer? We all got different mediums going through us – voice and audio, life and video, deep and art, but what is the difference between these? What happens to a thought once it exists externally, as an ideology, as a behavior, as a mentality, as an instinct? And what happens to a thought once it disappears? How can human de-copy/paste itself from virtual? What is a virtual instinct? Instead of soiling humanity into our creative-spiritual potential, artificial intelligence simplifies itself. Times in which we are born left some of the sacred innermost to be picked up. Instead of growing layers of senses and intellect through eternities research, attention of most people was turned to that of seeking happiness and comfort in physical horizontal as opposed to spiritual vertical. Horizontal stills do not vibrate in languages of etymological intangible, know no emotional deprivation, see no self-resemblance in environmental vocabularies. Collaboration between medium of a soul and subject of a body devalued eternity. Through media in our homes, every modern day throws virtues out, placing new offers of social behaviors. Humanity is stretched on a retina and has abandoned itself. We have reached an interesting point in own timeline where government, due to the possession of not only operating systems, but soon each human part, starting from our basic psychological information to DNA body parts and thoughts tissue, will soon literally control time as such. Servo-body singularity. What about 90’s generation - are we absolute results of AI, were we predictable or do we still curve? In the times of communicational error and dominating visuals, - how to become a linguistical self? Language is the most vivid tool of communication. If mastered, it is the best way to directly translate ideas. All other art mediums have perceptional curves, while language truly communicates and educates. The meaning of linguistics is transformation of psychological reality and human as a concept. To be a human means to fundamentally change structure of human and Time. This is equivalent of life. Thoughts change due to surroundings and access to resources. And nowadays resources are mainly computer and internet. In his book “You are not a gadget” Jaron Lanier says that “After computerization, we are truly living in a man-made world. Before computerization, artifacts were natural, therefore were mysterious”. So, what can be parallel to IBM Blue winning over Kasparov now, in 2019? In 2050?
Interactive book, works different on mobile devices and PC
Interactive book "Objectless"
56 pages