Anna Smetanenko

Occupied Crimea
world, ink
entire bookshelf of childhood voices
crayon hair in burning head
alone and abyss
Published in "Rock & Sling" journal #13.1, 19th page
the material is word,
breath in two trains.
one needs psyche installed,
another is eternity's caterpillar.
tears rest in a box of fire matches:
sorrow and gratitude.
in the roots of our feet,
in pigments,
in mosaics,
in constellations
researching souls is a medium.
Published in "Rock & Sling" journal #13.1, page 72
swimming without newspapers
consciousness between sins and direction
walking to the river
covered in a black subject
no soils, no icons, no diaries
not in the morning, but at dawn
nihilism went to the Sun
than to human feet
space in palms, braille
black nothing
collected nests
ground zero
knowledge gap, media
all roots demolition
collecting fabric of space
million years from finger to the thread
decomposting body of Earth to the other
red sink, global chamber
Published in "Rock & Sling" journal #13.1, page 35 and on 13th page of my net art book "Objectess"

The Swim
standing next to conversation, by the river
on void's blade, ground
white spots all over people
lake is looking at the wind
me - at throat bells, soul skin
that needs to breathe and drink water
instead of speak
Published in "Rock & Sling" journal #13.1, page 86

Published in "The Inflectionist Review", issue #9, page 70

Published in "The Bookends Review"